The Agony of The Corps Members and The Need to Save The Future of This Nation

By Babatunde Daniel

The FG of Nigeria,
The State Coordinators,
The ZIs,
The LGIs.

Candid appeal to the above list.

A CLARION CALL: A nation built for and on youth will surely prosper and be secure. The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has been a center of Nigeria’s nation-building efforts and the transformation of our community through impactful and memorable projects. The NYSC scheme was created in a bid to reconstruct, reconcile, and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil War.

The unfortunate antecedents in our national history gave impetus to the establishment of the National Youth Service Corps by Decree No. 24 of 22nd May 1973, which stated that the NYSC was established “with a view to the proper encouragement and development of common ties among the youths of Nigeria and the promotion of national unity.” Although the primary purpose of the scheme is also defined in the above quote, it is time to move beyond using the scheme solely for national unity and patriotic youth.

WE ARE UNITY BUILDERS AND LIVING BEINGS: The government must be ready to improve or change its worldviews and initial orientation concerning NYSC in order to impact, improve, support, and equip the youth to start their own lives after school and to make meaningful contributions during their service. Things are changing all the time, and we should learn how to accept and adopt all the necessary changes as a nation to build a prosperous and secure country.

Earning a living is very important and essential in this world. No one will be happily working without earning or making a living at the end of the month, only to go home with what cannot take care of them. During the Christ’s earthly ministry His disciples requested from him to know their wages for following and serving Him. According to Luke 18:28-30, “Peter said to Him, ‘We have left all we had to follow You; what shall we get?’ ‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus said to them, ‘no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.'” If Jesus the Messiah placed a higher priority on the welfare and wages of His disciples, what excuse do we have?

That is why the majority of young people who have the ability and enthusiasm to work and make an impact are doing less and are discouraged from using their potential and skills because they are not treated well with allowances and welfare.

THE CAUSE OF OUR PROBLEM AS A NATION: Why is Nigeria further plagued by the problems of underdevelopment, such as poverty, mass illiteracy, an acute shortage of highly skilled manpower, inadequate socioeconomic infrastructure, housing, and security? Simply because youth are not really considered important citizens in this nation, where they are the economic drivers of any successful nation.

Every year, thousands of young graduates are deployed across the country to contribute to national development while gaining valuable and painful experiences with improper care and lack of provision for their basic needs by the scheme that incorporates and assigns them to various places of primary assignment without considering their well-being.

The key issue being discussed is the monthly allowance, popularly known as “allawee,” currently paid at N33,000 by the Federal Government. While the increase has been announced to the public since July 2024, the funds have not been released to the scheme. Now, there are complaints about lack of funds to implement it, while the young people who are serving their father’s land are languishing in poverty due to hyper-inflation.

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Nigeria’s inflation rate has been on an upward trajectory, further exacerbating the financial strain on corps members. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Consumer Price Index (CPI) report, Nigeria’s inflation rate in September rose to 32.70% due to petrol price increases. Nigeria’s headline inflation rate in September 2024 rose to 32.70%, up from 32.15% in August 2024, marking a 0.55% increase month-on-month

OUR ROLES IN NATION BUILDING: Why would corps members, the nation builders, be deployed to different parts of Nigeria, often at greater risk, be compensated less and uncared for? It is worth considering the role that corps members play in different sectors of the economy.

Government cannot underrate our contributions because we are working in critical areas such as education and healthcare, particularly in underserved regions with security challenges.
Teachers in public schools and healthcare workers in government hospitals are not just fulfilling their NYSC obligations; we are also addressing vital needs in the country’s developmental agenda. Our allowances should reflect the importance of our contributions

It is time for the Nigerian government to start paying allowances that recognize and appreciate the sacrifices made and incentivize service in these challenging environments. We should not be treated as slaves in our land after years of hard work and struggle in school before graduation, only to be mistreated when we should be enjoying the fruits of our labor.

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF STATE GOVERNMENTS IN THIS ISSUE? A few states supplement the Federal Government’s allowance with additional stipends, and these state allowances vary significantly. For example, corps members in some states receive as much as N10,000 to N15,000 extra per month, while others receive little or no additional support. This system already acknowledges the disparities between states, albeit inconsistently. However, this means our work and effort are not commended in those states that are paying little or nothing. It is time to mandate that every state start doing something significant for their corps members.

If we are treated unjustly by the federal and state governments, why would our PPA act differently? That is why some PPAs are treating corps members like slaves, showing no regard for them while paying them nothing for vigorous work. Additionally, some are overtasking the corps members because of the small stipends they provide.

Some public-private partnership models would alleviate the financial burden on the government while ensuring that corps members are adequately protected and rewarded for their service, provided the federal government do the right thing to protect their rights and prioritize their welfare. It would also foster a sense of corporate social responsibility among businesses encouraging them to invest in the nation’s future by supporting the youth who are actively contributing to national development.

HOW WE SPEND OUR ALLOWANCE: Begin with registration and planning for the orientation camp, including the purchase of all the necessary kits needed for the camp. Then, go to the hospital, spending thousands of naira for the Medical Fitness Certificate, which includes all types of medical tests, and transportation to the camp, which is far from your state. After the camp, you need to return home to pack your belongings and then travel again to your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) from home. If we calculate all these expenses, we have nearly exhausted all the twelve months’ allowances for the service year in this process alone.

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With the meager allowance given to Corp Members, some local governments and Community Development Service (CDS) units are also levying us in the name of monthly dues, along with magazines every two months for state. Contributions for projects are also required, not to mention our transport costs to our CDS unit and the monthly transport to the local government headquarters for monthly clearance and biometric verification.

By the end of service, in the last month, the 33k has already been spent before the month ends, and we have to transport ourselves to our various states at the end of the service year. I have seen a lot of people in my unit crying silently, and someone has to voice out regarding the lack of corps members basic needs. After one year, we cannot save anything for ouselves; instead, we go home with debt to manage. While we understand that all these contributions are not going into personal pockets but rather for the Unit and LG development, Corps Members should also be considered and pitied in all this as well.

A lot of corps members are going through serious financial crisis because of the inflation in the country, and the little allowance cannot even take care of food, let alone other necessary things needed as young people. It is not everyone who has parents or relatives that can send money to them; many are standing and struggling alone in the name of serving our fatherland.

It’s not that we are lazy or that we cannot find a way to help ourselves, but NYSC does not permit us to do other work, and they do not take care of our well-being; rather, they leave us to our fate. 33k for the whole month cannot even serve for two weeks nowadays, if I may say, let alone one month. While many states and PPAs are not paying, during the break/holidays when we are not doing anything except going for CDS, we are not allowed to look for something to survive.

Many PPAs will not pay during the break, but NYSC is forcing us to stay while our PPAs cannot pay us. Even the months they do pay in total cannot sustain us based on the current situation in the country, if they pay at all. _That is why it is very difficult to control or talk to Corps members who are engaging in immoral and illegal acts because they have to survive and sustain themselves; although that is not a justification, the situation leads many to it.

A lot of things are going on among the Corps Members because they want to survive. They are doing many things unworthy of seeing a graduate do, but what a nation we find ourselves in. I am saying this sympathetically: Corps Members are struggling and suffering.
We are losing our honor and respect gradually because when we go to the market at the end of the month, we have to beg and over-beg to be able to buy foodstuffs, as our allowance cannot take us or buy anything again. We are potential graduates, not beggars.

The greatest problem we’re having in this nation today is that those who are close to leaders as their associates and aids are deceiving them by saying all is well when nothing is well; in fact, it is totally bad and bankrupt, all to gain more favor from the leaders. They keep deceiving them and making people who express their displeasure seem like their enemies. The majority of Corps Members are suffering silently but are afraid to talk, channeling our aggression into self-destructive and immoral acts. PLEASE, THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD HEAR OUR CRIES; WE ARE NOT EXPECTING ANY 33K AGAIN THIS MONTH. WE ARE ALSO WORKING LIKE OTHER FEDERAL WORKERS AND HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES LIKEWISE.

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Furthermore, with the anticipated increase in the federal minimum wage, which could lead to an adjustment in the NYSC allowance, how long would the adjustment take before it is implemented and payments start? An increased base allowance is welcome, but without considering the time for the payment, it is useless and uncalled for. Therefore, we implore the federal government to pay all outstanding wage awards and arrears of Corps members this month of October, 2024.

I am also using this medium to appeal to my fellow Corps members to continue to serve our nation diligently and patriotically, not to be overly mindful of the little we are given, but to prioritize the future of the children we are teaching, and our fellow citizens we are serving and saving, though the majority of corps members in Nigeria are in the classroom. We should never get discouraged but continue to make an impact wherever we find ourselves.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Please, in the name of God, this is not an attack or an attempt to teach or criticize the government or any leader on how to manage their position, nor is it a downgrade of the institution. Rather, it is to encourage us to consider the cries and pains of the Corps Members. We channel our pains and concerns to the higher authorities:

• To increase the allocation coming to the NYSC Department in the States and LGs in order to reduce these levies and make money available for the necessary developments under each LG and Unit to function better.

• To start the payment of the new minimum wage from this month so that we will not die in long anticipation and depression. We are working and deserve a better life before we die of hunger and food deficiency.

• To implement as a law for the states to start paying stipends to the Corps members in each state.

• To mandate all the PPAs to provide good accommodation and stipends to Corps members serving in their institutions or territories.

It is my personal conviction and commitment to use my voice and pen for spiritual development in preparation for the advent of Christ, and for social justice for mankind. Speaking the truth is not meant to condemn anyone but to impact and enlighten society with love and sincerity of heart. A voice for the voiceless!

We are going through a lot, and the government should start to appreciate and respect us more in times of allowance for the betterment of this nation and to reduce the evils among the youth. Where is the nation without proper care for the youth?


God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
God bless NYSC!

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