5 animals that give birth through their mouth

While many creatures lay eggs or give birth to live young in familiar ways, some have developed unique methods to protect their offspring.

One such strategy is mouthbrooding, where parents carry and nurture their young in their mouths until they hatch. It’s a rare but amazing way to make sure their babies are safe from predators.

Let’s take a look at these five animals that practice this extraordinary form of parental care. Get ready to be amazed!

1. Darwin’s frog

Darwin's frog store tadpoles in his vocal sac [AnimalDiversityWeb]

Darwin’s frog, native to Chile and Argentina, showcases one of the most unusual reproductive behaviors in the amphibian world.

After the female lays her eggs on the forest floor, the male guards them vigilantly. Once the embryos begin to move, the male swallows them, storing them in his vocal sac—a pouch typically used for calling.

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Here, the tadpoles continue their development safely away from predators. After several weeks, fully formed tiny frogs emerge from the father’s mouth, hopping away to start their independent lives. ​

2. Mouthbrooding cichlids

Mouthbrooding cichlids [Fishionary]

Cichlids are a diverse family of fish found primarily in Africa, known for their intricate parental care behaviors. In many mouthbrooding cichlid species, after external fertilisation, one of the parents—often the female—collects the fertilised eggs into their mouth. The parent carries the eggs in their buccal cavity, providing a safe environment until they hatch. Even after hatching, the fry may return to the parent’s mouth at signs of danger, ensuring higher survival rates in predator-rich environments.

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3. Giant gourami

The giant gourami, native to Southeast Asia, is another fish species that employs mouthbrooding to safeguard its young. In this species, the male takes on the responsibility of carrying the fertilised eggs in his mouth. He abstains from eating during this incubation period, which can last several days, to avoid harming the developing embryos.

Once the eggs hatch, the male releases the free-swimming fry into the water, where they begin their independent lives.

4. Sea catfish

Sea catfish, found in various marine environments, exhibit a fascinating form of paternal care. After the female lays her eggs, the male fertilizes them and then scoops them into his mouth.

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He carries the large, yolk-rich eggs in his buccal cavity, providing protection during their development. The male continues to shelter the young even after they hatch, releasing them only when they are capable of fending for themselves.

5. Cardinalfish

Cardinalfish are small, nocturnal fish commonly found in shallow tropical and subtropical waters. In many species, males take on the role of mouthbrooding. After the female lays eggs, the male fertilises and then collects them into his mouth.

He carries the eggs until they hatch, refraining from feeding during this period to protect the developing offspring. Once the fry are ready, the male releases them into the environment, where they continue their growth independently.

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