Women who always have high libidos also have bad days when sex is the last thing they want. However, it is hard for them to remain in a dry spell because they practice healthy habits. Having an ‘off day’ and honouring it is part of these healthy habits.

Your libido needs support too. Unless you are naturally blessed with a potent libido, you can establish habits to keep it in check. You might be having a hard time getting in the mood!

These habits of sexually thriving women might inspire you.

1. Self-care

Spending time alone is a chance to reconnect with your body and figure out your mental well-being.

Stress can infiltrate the body and leave us feeling lost, tired, and strangers to what is important to us.

Getting alone time to ground yourself refuels energy reserves. In this way, a high libido is simply a result of focused energy.

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2. Trying new things

You can start small. It doesn’t have to be with someone. Set the mood with candles, fragrance, and wearing something sex like an undergarment or something that makes you feel sexy. You can switch up the porn you are accustomed to or get reacquainted with your long-forgotten sex toy.

Associating sex with fun and pleasurable things boosts libido because your turn-ons are more pronounced, and you create a positive relationship with your desires.

3. Knowing what you like and dislike

Although trying new things can reboot your libido, being confident in what gives you pleasure is essential.

One of the things that make looking forward to sex exciting is having in mind something that you like and expect to get. Otherwise, you leave your libido in the hands of the universe.

Own your likes without compromise and treat your dislikes the same.

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The more confident you are about what you want and expect, the more you get it. The more you get it, the more you look forward to getting it.

4. Great communication and trust

Build trust and communication with your sexual partner. Your libido will thrive once your needs and desires are accepted.

Being vocal about your feelings can translate into your body being ‘vocal’ about its needs.

Creating emotional support is the bedrock for high intimacy.

5. Body workout

You knew it was bound to appear on this list. Simple workouts for the muscles can stimulate hormone production and arousal and make you feel more confident. Exercises like dancing, swimming, and yoga are associated with body positivity and mental health benefits.

6. Forget your libido

A high libido is not the most important thing. Stressing about it will keep it away.

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Let go of the pressure to perform or to be a certain way sexually. It will leave you disconnected from yourself. Consequently, in the long term, you will need more help to get your sex drive in order.

Stressing about it can also create negative associations with sex making it less appealing. Commit to your well-being.

Also, remember that you might not have a high libido naturally. Enjoy sex when you want it, and find ways of honouring your sex drive. This can mean dating people with similar sex drives, people who accept you, or being single if you choose to.

A high sex drive is a combination of physical activity and self-knowledge. Committing to healthy living is a better goal than achieving high libido.

Check-in with a medical doctor if you suspect a health issue might be disrupting your sexual health. Consider having periodic full-body medical examinations too.


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