- Their jealousy leads to controlling their possessive behaviours.
- They put you down, even in a teasing manner.
- They’re rude to people around them.
- They’re constantly making issues out of the slightest problems, leading to minor and serious fights.
- They don’t listen to you.
- They rely entirely on you as their sole support for serious mental health struggles or post-traumas.
- They focus more on themselves, even when the other party is going through a difficult time.
- They do not want to spend time or constantly disagree with your family and friends.
- They’re constantly dishing out physical, mental, or emotional abuse.
- Excessive displays of affection in a relationship, which can be a manipulation tactic to gain control.
- They prioritise their own needs, often lacking empathy. (Narcissism).
- A disrespectful attitude towards you or others.
- They share different values, goals, and lifestyles (incompatibility)
- They have terrible temper and anger management issues.
- Lack of desire to communicate openly.
Culled from: Pulse