The fastest animals in the world fly, swim, and run on land. Most of them are birds you probably have never seen before, especially the Frigate Birds that can stay up in the sky for a week.
Here are the fastest animals in the world:
1. Peregrine Falcon
The Peregrine Falcons are the fastest animal in the world. They are strong and quick birds. Their sharp claws enable them to capture other birds even while flying. Peregrine falcons are not easy to identify because of their quickness and colour. They speed at about 322 kph.
2. White-Throated Needletail
The second fastest animal in the world is the White-Throated Needletail. They have a large and thick body shape with long pointed wings. They measure about 20 cm and weigh from 110 to 120 grams. White Throated Needletail can speed at 171 kph.
3. Frigate bird
Frigate birds can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans. The five types of species that exist are called Fregata — they all have long nails and layers of black feathers. Frigate birds can stay up in the sky for a week. Their speed is about 153 kph.
4. Spur-Winged Goose
The Spur-Winged Goose is a waterbird predominant in Sub-saharan Africa. It is the world’s largest goose and can fly at 142 kph. They reside mostly in lakes and inland rivers.
5. Cheetah
A cheetah is a small rounded-head animal with long thin legs and tail. It is widely known for its top speed which can reach 113 kph. Cheetahs are very fast running at prey and quite skilled —– which makes them unique from the rest.
6. Sailfish
The Sailfish is a very fast marine creature famous for recreational fishing. It can grow to over ten feet in length. It is the world’s fastest fish; it can speed through the water at 110 kph.
7. Pronghorn Antelope
Pronghorn Antelope is the seventh fastest animal and the second among the land animals. They are 3 feet tall, 4.5 long, and weigh between 90 and 150 pounds. Pronghorn Antelope are common in northern Mexico and southern Canada.
8. Marlins
Marlins are very fast fish. They are just behind sailfish. They have elongated bodies and a long rigid fin. Marlins can swim at 80 kph.
9. Blue Wildebeest
The Blue Wildebeest are unique for their long hair hanging from the throat and neck. They weigh up to 250 kg and their shoulders are about 1.5 metres. Blue Wildebeest can run at about 80 kph.
10. Brown Hare
Brown Hare is native to parts of Asia and Europe. They are known for their long ears and fast running (when evading predators) which is about 77 kph.